Incendios Forestales Castilla

by Junta de Castilla y León



The Junta de Castilla y León and Cesefor have developed the public App ‘Forest fires Castilla y León’, an information system on the danger of forest fires, the regulation of fire use and the preventive measures established for each day in Castilla y LeónKnow the restrictions of the fire order in a direct way and adapted to the daily situation of your territory.This application allows you to know the weather alerts and the time of forest fire danger in which we find ourselves, and the extraordinary limitations associated with them to prevent the start of the fire: burning of remains, use of machinery, barbecues and others.You also have general recommendations for your activity in the natural environment and the risk of fires.Consult the conditions of use and equipment of the recreational areas and barbecues, through your geolocation and search inMap